Picture of brunette woman in oxygen cabin

Your first hyperbaric oxygen therapy session is a step towards healing and recovery. By knowing what to expect and how to prepare, you can ensure that your experience is as comfortable and effective as possible. Whether you’re seeking treatment for medical conditions, enhanced recovery from sports injuries, or simply looking to boost your overall wellness, understanding what to expect during your first visit can help alleviate any anxiety and prepare you for the experience.

Understanding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, which significantly increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. This process promotes faster healing of wounds, helps fight infections, and improves the outcomes of various medical conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning, diabetic foot ulcers, and stroke recovery.

Before the Session

Consultation: Before your first session, you will likely have a consultation with a hyperbaric physician or a trained specialist. During this consultation, your medical history will be reviewed, and you will have the opportunity to discuss your expectations and any potential concerns. This is the perfect time to ask questions about the benefits, risks, and the specific protocol that will be used during your sessions.

Preparation: On the day of your treatment, dress in comfortable, cotton clothing provided by the treatment center to avoid any static electricity, which is a safety precaution in oxygen-rich environments. You’ll be advised to leave behind jewelry, watches, and electronic devices. Additionally, it’s important to avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks for a few hours before the session to minimize any discomfort.

During the Session

Entering the Chamber: Hyperbaric chambers can vary in size and type. Some are large enough to accommodate several patients at once, while others are designed for individual use. Once you enter the chamber, you will either sit or lie down, depending on the design. The door is then sealed, and the air pressure inside the chamber is gradually increased.

The Treatment Experience: As the session begins, you might feel a popping sensation in your ears as you would during an airplane’s ascent. This is normal and occurs as your ears adjust to the pressure change. Yawning or swallowing can help equalize the ear pressure. The actual session involves simply breathing normally as the chamber fills with pure oxygen. You can relax, sleep, or listen to music during this time.

Monitoring: Throughout the treatment, a technician will monitor the session and communicate with you via an intercom system to ensure you are comfortable and to guide you on adjusting to the pressure changes.

After the Session

Post-Session Feelings: After the session, the pressure in the chamber will slowly return to normal. It’s common to feel a bit light-headed immediately afterwards, but this sensation usually passes quickly. Some people report feeling more energetic and alert as soon as they leave the chamber.

Follow-Up: Depending on the reason for your treatment, multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve the best results. Your doctor will discuss a treatment schedule with you, and subsequent visits will likely feel more routine now that you know what to expect.

Tips for a Successful Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Experience

  • Communicate: Always communicate any discomfort or concerns with the attending technician. They are there to make your experience as comfortable as possible.
  • Follow Instructions: Carefully follow all pre-session instructions regarding eating, drinking, and medication to ensure your safety and comfort during the session.
  • Stay Relaxed: Try to remain calm and breathe normally during the treatment. This helps maximize the absorption of oxygen and enhances the therapeutic benefits.
  • Regular Attendance: If multiple sessions are prescribed, sticking to the recommended schedule is crucial for the success of the treatment.

CEO2 Health is a premier health and wellness services provider in Los Angeles, dedicated to helping individuals achieve the most optimal version of themselves. The clinic reimagines the confluence of technology and traditional healing practices, creating an atmosphere of hope. Contact us today to book your first Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy session!