Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy involves breathing 95%-100% oxygen in a pressurized chamber, which helps increase oxygen levels in the body to promote healing for a range of conditions.


increase athletic performance


60 minutes

A 60 minute session with Atmospheric pressures up to 1.5.

$ 300 / Session
  • 10 sessions $2,500 ($250/session)
  • 20 sessions $4,000 ($200/session)
  • Unlimited monthly sessions $3,000  ($145/session)

60 minutes

A 60 minute session with Atmospheric pressures up to 1.5.

$ 300 / Session
  • 10 Sessions $2,500
  • 20 Sessions $4,000
  • unlimited monthly Sessions $3,000

60 minutes

A 60 minute session with Atmospheric pressures up to 2.

$ 350 / Session
  • 10 sessions $3,000 ($300/session)
  • 20 sessions $5,000 ($250/sessions)
  • Unlimited monthly sessions $4,000  ($166/session)

60 minutes

A 60 minute session with Atmospheric pressures up to 2.

$ 350 / Session
  • 10 Sessions $3,000
  • 20 Sessions $5,000
  • unlimited monthly Sessions $4,000

90 minutes

A 90 minute session with Atmospheric pressures up to 1.5.

$ 350 / Session
  • 10 sessions $3,000 ($300/session)
  • 20 Sessions $5,000 ($250/session)
  • unlimited monthly Sessions $3,500   ($145/session)

90 minutes

A 90 minute session with Atmospheric pressures up to 1.5.

$ 350 / Session
  • 10 Sessions $3,000
  • 20 Sessions $5,000
  • unlimited monthly Sessions $3,500

90 minutes

A 90 minute session with Atmospheric pressures up to 2.

$ 400 / Session
  • 10 Sessions $3,500 ($350/session)
  • 20 Sessions $6,000 ($300/session)
  • unlimited monthly Sessions $4,500   ($187/session)

90 minutes

A 90 minute session with Atmospheric pressures up to 2.

$ 400 / Session
  • 10 Sessions $3,500
  • 20 Sessions $6,000
  • unlimited monthly Sessions $4,500

In-home hbot Rentals

Starting at

$ 2,000 / Month

In-home hbot Rentals

Starting at

$ 4,000 / Month

How it works


The air we typically breathe contains 21% oxygen. Inside the chamber, you inhale 95-100% oxygen through an oxygen mask.


Due to the increased pressure and concentration of oxygen, a significantly greater amount of oxygen gets dissolved in the bloodstream. This is based on Henry’s Law, which states that the amount of gas that dissolves in a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure, provided the temperature remains constant.


The oxygen-enriched blood circulates throughout the body, delivering higher-than-normal oxygen levels to tissues. This is especially beneficial for tissues with compromised blood supply. This environment promotes healing, reduces inflammation by stimulating the growth of new blood vessels and improving the body’s ability to fight infections.

The experience

Health benefits and medical indications for HBOT: 

  • Decompression Sickness: Commonly known as “the bends”, it’s an ailment experienced by divers who ascend to the surface too rapidly. HBOT is a primary treatment for this condition.
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: HBOT can help in removing carbon monoxide from the blood faster and reducing the harmful effects of this poison. 
  • Chronic Non-healing Wounds: Such as diabetic foot ulcers. The increased oxygen delivery to the tissues can promote wound healing.
  • Crush Injuries and Acute Traumatic Ischemias: HBOT can help reduce swelling and promote healing in traumatic injuries. 
  • Osteomyelitis (Bone Infection): HBOT can be an adjunctive treatment to antibiotics for certain types of bone infections.
  • Radiation Injury: HBOT can help heal tissues damaged by radiation therapy, such as radiation cystitis or radiation necrosis. 
  • Skin Grafts and Flaps: If a skin graft or a flap isn’t healing well due to poor blood flow, HBOT can be used to enhance its oxygen supply. 
  • Gas Gangrene: This is a bacterial infection that produces gas within tissues. HBOT can halt the growth of these bacteria.
  • Severe Anemia: For patients who cannot get a blood transfusion for medical or personal reasons, HBOT can help deliver additional oxygen to tissues. 
  • Brain Abscess: HBOT can act as an adjunctive therapy by increasing the oxygen content in the abscess cavity. 
  • Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections: These are severe skin infections that can destroy tissue. HBOT can be used alongside surgery and antibiotics. 
  • Central Retinal Artery Occlusion: It’s a blockage in the artery that supplies blood to the retina, which can lead to sudden blindness. HBOT is one of the treatments used in an attempt to restore vision. 
  • Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: There’s evidence suggesting that HBOT might be beneficial if started within a few weeks of the onset of symptoms.

Beauty benefits include:

  • Improved Skin Radiance: Increased oxygen levels can boost skin cell metabolism and regeneration, leading to a more radiant complexion.
  • Wrinkle Reduction: Enhanced oxygen levels might stimulate collagen production, which can help in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 
  • Enhanced Skin Healing: HBOT can speed up the skin’s healing process, which can be beneficial for post-surgical recovery or after cosmetic procedures.
  • Reduction of Acne and Blemishes: By promoting enhanced blood flow and oxygenation, HBOT may reduce inflammation and bacteria associated with acne. 
  •  Improved Skin Hydration: Some believe that HBOT can boost skin hydration levels, leading to plumper, more moisturized skin. 
  •  Reduction in Skin Conditions: There’s some evidence to suggest HBOT might help alleviate symptoms of skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema, though more research is needed. 
  •  Hair Health: Although not as commonly cited, some believe that improved oxygenation might benefit hair health and growth.

potential benefits related to athletic recovery and performance.

  • Faster Recovery: The increased oxygen levels delivered during HBOT can help tissues recover faster from the strain and micro-tears that occur during intense workouts. This might allow athletes to return to training more quickly. 
  • Reduced Muscle Fatigue: By boosting the amount of oxygen available to muscle tissues, athletes might experience less muscle fatigue after rigorous activity.
  • Decreased Inflammation: HBOT can help reduce inflammation, which is a natural response to injury. Reducing inflammation can help accelerate the healing process. 
  • Enhanced Collagen Production: Collagen is a crucial protein for tendons and ligaments. Increased oxygen levels can stimulate collagen production, potentially aiding in the healing of sprains and strains.
  • Improved Bone Healing: For athletes with fractures, HBOT might help bones heal faster due to the enhanced oxygen delivery and improved circulation. 
  •  Reduction of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS): Some athletes believe that HBOT can help reduce the severity and duration of DOMS, the muscle pain and stiffness that sets in after a hard workout.
  • Improved Mental Clarity and Focus: Increased oxygen delivery might also benefit the brain, leading to improved mental clarity and focus, essential for athletes, especially in competition.
  • Boosted Immune Response: HBOT can activate the body’s white blood cells to recognize and fight bacteria, viruses, and other foreign entities, potentially reducing the downtime due to illness. 
  • Enhanced Stamina and Endurance: By improving tissue function and reducing fatigue, HBOT may indirectly contribute to better stamina and endurance.

Post surgery:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has shown promise in aiding post-surgical recovery due to its ability to increase the oxygen concentration in the blood and promote oxygen delivery to tissues. 
Here are some potential post-surgery benefits of HBOT: 
  • Enhanced Wound Healing: HBOT can accelerate the healing process of surgical wounds by increasing the amount of oxygen delivered to tissues, which can stimulate the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and boost cell growth. 
  • Reduction of Swelling: By decreasing tissue hypoxia (a condition where the tissue is not receiving enough oxygen), HBOT can help reduce inflammation and swelling after surgery. 
  • Decreased Risk of Infection: The elevated oxygen levels during HBOT can support the function of white blood cells, which play a role in fighting and preventing infections.
  • Improved Skin Graft and Flap Survival: In reconstructive surgeries where skin grafts or flaps are used, HBOT can promote better graft and flap adherence and survival by enhancing oxygenation to these tissues. 
  • Reduction of Scar Formation: By supporting the wound healing process, HBOT can potentially lead to less pronounced scar formation. 
  • Treatment of Osteoradionecrosis and Soft Tissue Radionecrosis: These conditions occur when bone or soft tissue dies due to radiation exposure, often from radiation therapy. HBOT can promote healing in these affected areas. 
  • Reduced Impact of Crush Injuries: In surgeries stemming from traumatic injuries, HBOT can decrease swelling and promote healing in tissues affected by crush injuries. 
  • Faster Recovery from Certain Complications: If complications arise post-surgery, such as delayed wound healing or infections, HBOT can be a useful adjunct to standard treatments to speed up recovery.
  • Preservation of Compromised Skin Grafts: If a skin graft is at risk of failing due to poor blood flow, HBOT can enhance its oxygen supply, potentially saving the graft. 
  • Reduced Post-operative Pain: There’s some evidence to suggest that HBOT might reduce pain after surgery, though more research is needed in this area.


Frequently Asked questions

No. At the beginning of the session, as your sinuses adjust to the increase in pressure, you may experience a “popping” sensation similar to what you likely have experienced on an airplane. CEO2 Health staff will coach you through a couple different ear popping techniques, and if it remains uncomfortable, CEO2 Health staff will lower the pressure until it is comfortable.

Yes. A CEO2 Health employee will sit with you at the beginning of the session until the hyperbaric chamber has reached its maximum pressure. You will have an intercom between you with which you’ll be able to communicate.

Something comfortable. We recommend something loose-fitting and cozy. We do ask, though, that you refrain from wearing scented perfumes and lotions or heavy jewelry.

Rest and relax! You deserve it. You could nap, meditate, or watch TV.


For general health and maintenance, as little as 1 session can provide benefit. For more serious conditions, we would recommend coming 3-5 times per week. Since oxygen therapy works cumulatively, the more frequently you can get it, the better. For more serious injuries and conditions, we would recommend coming a minimum of 5 days in a row.


Yes, if you are pregnant, have any flu-like symptoms, ear infection/trauma, untreated pneumothorax, chronic sinusitis, or flying within the next 24 hours.

Promote healing and reduce inflammation.